What Are Upwork Connects And How Do They Work?

What are Upwork Connects and how do they work? If you’re curious about how freelancers find work on Upwork, you’ve come to the right place! Upwork Connects are like tickets that freelancers use to apply for jobs. They’re an important part of the platform, helping freelancers secure projects and build their careers.

When you sign up on Upwork, you receive a certain number of Connects each month. You can use these Connects to submit proposals for different job postings. The number of Connects required for each job application varies, depending on the type of project or client’s requirements. So, it’s important to manage your Connects wisely and choose the jobs that align with your skills and interests.

By using Connects to apply for jobs, freelancers can showcase their expertise, experience, and enthusiasm for the project. It’s your chance to stand out from the crowd and make a compelling case for why you’re the best fit. Keep in mind that the more tailored and thoughtful your proposal, the higher your chances of getting hired.

So, whether you’re a freelancer looking to grow your career or a potential client searching for the perfect person to bring your project to life, understanding how Upwork Connects work is essential. In the following sections, we’ll delve deeper into the world of Connects and give you tips on making the most of this valuable resource. Let’s get started!

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What are Upwork Connects and how do they work?

What are Upwork Connects and how do they work?

Welcome to the world of Upwork Connects, where freelancers and clients come together to collaborate on projects and achieve their goals. In this article, we will delve into what Upwork Connects are, how they work, and how they can benefit both freelancers and clients. Whether you’re a seasoned freelancer or a client looking to hire talent, Upwork Connects can be a valuable resource in your professional journey.

Understanding Upwork Connects

When it comes to Upwork, Connects are the currency that allows freelancers to submit proposals for job opportunities posted by clients. Connects are essentially tokens that represent your interest and availability to work on a specific project. Each job proposal typically requires a certain number of Connects to be submitted, depending on the job’s budget and category.

Freelancers receive a certain number of Connects each month, depending on their membership plan. Free members receive 20 Connects per month, while Plus members receive 70 Connects per month. Connects do not roll over from month to month, so it’s essential to use them wisely. You can also purchase additional Connects if needed.

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Connects act as a filter for clients, allowing them to receive proposals from freelancers who are genuinely interested in their project. It adds a layer of professionalism to the platform and encourages freelancers to carefully consider the projects they apply to. This benefit extends to clients as well, as they receive proposals from freelancers who have invested their Connects, indicating a genuine interest in the job. Now that we have a better understanding of what Connects are, let’s dive into how they work.

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Getting started with Upwork Connects

Once you’ve created an account on Upwork and set up your profile, you can start earning and spending Connects. To earn Connects, you can participate in the Upwork marketplace by submitting proposals and winning contracts. Once a contract is successfully completed, you earn your Connects back, along with your payment.

When you find a job that matches your skillset and interests, you can submit a proposal by using the required number of Connects. It’s important to review the job description and client requirements carefully before submitting a proposal. Craft a personalized cover letter that highlights your relevant experience, skills, and why you’re the right fit for the job. The quality of your proposal, along with your profile’s completeness and past work, will greatly influence the client’s decision to hire you.

While Connects are essential for submitting proposals, they’re not the sole determiner of getting hired. Other factors such as your portfolio, reviews, and interview performance also play a crucial role. However, Connects do help streamline the process by encouraging freelancers to be more selective and strategic in their job applications.

The benefits of Upwork Connects

Now that we understand how Upwork Connects work, let’s explore the benefits they offer to both freelancers and clients.

For Freelancers:

  1. Quality over quantity: Upwork Connects encourage freelancers to carefully review job offers and apply only to those that align with their expertise and interests. This helps in targeting quality projects and reduces the competition.
  2. Professionalism: The use of Connects adds a level of professionalism to the platform, showcasing freelancers who are serious about their work and invested in securing the right projects.
  3. Improved chances of getting hired: As Connects filter out less interested freelancers, your proposals are more likely to stand out. This increases your chances of getting shortlisted and interviewed by clients.

For Clients:

  1. Higher quality proposals: With Connects, clients receive proposals from freelancers who have invested their resources, indicating a higher level of interest and commitment.
  2. Streamlined hiring process: Connects make it easier for clients to review proposals, as they know that each freelancer has made a deliberate decision to submit their Connects. This results in a more efficient hiring process.
  3. Improved project success: As Connects promote quality over quantity, clients are more likely to receive proposals from highly skilled and experienced freelancers, leading to better project outcomes.

Tips for making the most of Upwork Connects

To maximize your success on Upwork and make the most out of Connects, consider the following tips:

1. Understand the job requirements:

Before using Connects to submit proposals, thoroughly read and understand the job description and client requirements. Tailor your proposal to showcase your relevant skills, experience, and why you’re the perfect fit for the job.

2. Maintain a complete and impressive profile:

Your profile is your chance to make a strong first impression. Ensure that it is complete, well-written, and visually appealing. Highlight your skills, portfolio, and past achievements to stand out to potential clients.

3. Be selective in your job applications:

Instead of shotgun-applying to every job, invest your Connects in jobs that genuinely interest you and align with your expertise. Quality proposals have a better chance of getting noticed and selected by clients.

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4. Keep track of your Connects and spending:

Monitor your Connects usage to ensure that you’re optimizing them according to your needs and budget. Keep track of where you are spending them and the success rate of each proposal.

5. Continually update your skillset:

Freelancers who stay up-to-date with industry trends and acquire new skills have an advantage on Upwork. Continuously invest in your professional development to expand your opportunities on the platform.

Additional Information about Upwork Connects

Increased visibility through Upwork Plus

If you’re looking for additional benefits and increased visibility on Upwork, consider upgrading to Upwork Plus membership. Upwork Plus members receive more Connects each month, allowing for more job applications. They also enjoy features like advanced proposal insights, which provide data-driven suggestions to improve proposal effectiveness.

Connects roll out and bonus Connects

Connects are provided on a monthly basis and do not roll over from month to month. However, Upwork occasionally offers bonus Connects as promotional deals or rewards for certain milestones or achievements. Keep an eye out for such opportunities to maximize your Connects and boost your chances of getting hired.

The future of Upwork Connects

As Upwork continues to evolve and improve its platform, it’s essential to stay updated on any changes related to Connects. Upwork may introduce new features, adjust the number of Connects provided, or revise the way they are used. Keeping yourself informed will help you adapt and take advantage of these enhancements.

Now that you’re equipped with a comprehensive understanding of Upwork Connects and how they work, you can confidently navigate the platform and take full advantage of this valuable resource. Whether you’re a freelancer seeking exciting projects or a client in need of skilled professionals, Upwork Connects can be your gateway to success!

Key Takeaways: What are Upwork Connects and how do they work?

  1. Upwork Connects are virtual tokens that freelancers use to submit proposals for jobs on the Upwork platform.
  2. Freelancers need to use Connects to apply for a job, with different jobs requiring different amounts of Connects.
  3. Connects are not free and freelancers need to purchase them using real money.
  4. Once a freelancer submits a proposal using Connects, the Connects are deducted from their account.
  5. Connects help maintain a fair and efficient job application process on Upwork.

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions section where we address common queries about Upwork Connects and how they work. Read on to find answers to your questions and learn more about this important feature.

1. What are Upwork Connects and why are they important?

Upwork Connects are virtual tokens that allow freelancers to submit proposals for jobs on Upwork. Each Connect represents a certain number of credits, and freelancers use these credits to apply for projects. Connects play a significant role in helping freelancers secure work opportunities on the platform. They serve as a way to ensure that freelancers are serious about the jobs they’re applying for, discouraging spam applications and promoting quality proposals.

Earning and spending Connects is an essential part of the Upwork ecosystem. By using Connects to submit proposals, freelancers can demonstrate their commitment and dedication to their craft, ultimately increasing their chances of landing the projects they desire.

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2. How do I earn Connects on Upwork?

Earning Connects on Upwork is relatively straightforward. In general, freelancers receive a certain number of Connects at the start of each billing cycle. The specific amount can depend on factors such as membership level or location. Additionally, freelancers can earn more Connects by purchasing them directly from Upwork. Upwork also offers opportunities to earn Connects through special promotions, such as completing qualifying interviews or referrals.

It’s important to note that Connects are not earned by simply having an account on Upwork; rather, they are allocated based on active participation and engagement on the platform. So, the more actively you participate in the Upwork community, the more Connects you’ll have at your disposal.

3. How are Connects used when submitting proposals?

When you submit a proposal on Upwork, you need to use a certain number of Connects to complete the action. The number of Connects required varies depending on factors like the type of job and the location of the freelancer. Jobs with higher budgets or in more competitive categories might require more Connects to apply. However, for some job categories, like agencies, Connects are not required at all.

It’s important to use your Connects wisely and only apply for jobs that you are genuinely interested in and qualified for. Evaluate each opportunity carefully so that you can utilize your Connects effectively and maximize your chances of winning the projects you pursue.

4. Can I get Connects refunded or transfer them to another freelancer?

Unfortunately, Connects cannot be refunded or transferred to other freelancers. Once you use your Connects to submit a proposal, they are deducted from your account and cannot be reclaimed. Therefore, it’s essential to be strategic and intentional when using your Connects to ensure that you are investing in opportunities that align with your skills and goals.

Remember, the goal is to use Connects to secure meaningful projects and build a successful freelancing career, so it’s crucial to make each Connect count.

5. How can I monitor my Connects usage and balance on Upwork?

Keeping track of your Connects usage and balance is easy on Upwork. Simply go to your “Reports” tab and select “Connects History.” This will provide you with a detailed record of your Connects activity, including how many Connects you’ve used for each proposal submission. Additionally, your Connects balance is displayed prominently on your Upwork dashboard, ensuring that you always know how many Connects you have available.

Regularly monitoring your Connects usage and balance allows you to stay organized, evaluate the effectiveness of your proposals, and make informed decisions about how to allocate your Connects for future opportunities.

Upwork Connects EXPLAINED: How to Spend and Earn more FREE Connects to GET MORE Jobs!


Upwork Connects are like tokens that you need to submit a job proposal on Upwork. Each job proposal requires a certain number of Connects. You can buy more Connects if you need them. Connects help freelancers find work and help clients evaluate proposals.

Connects are important because they show clients that you’re serious about a job. To get more Connects, you can purchase them or earn them through your Upwork membership plan. Keep track of your Connects and use them wisely to increase your chances of getting hired.

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